radiohörer - der blog für radiofans
Sonntag, 10. November 2013
Playlist: Ätherisches frisch geerdet
Melvins: City Dump
Album: Tres Cabrones

Melvins: Psychodelic Haze
Album: Tres Cabrones

Juana Molina: Sin Guía, No
Album: Wed 21
Crammed Discs

Lucrecia Dalt: Volavérunt
Album: Syzygy
Human Ear Music

Bardo Pond: Fir
Album: Peace on Venus
Fire Records

Secret Chiefs 3: Nova IHVH
Album: Book of Souls: Folio A
Web Of Mimicry

Secret Chiefs 3: Tistrya
Album: Book of Souls: Folio A
Web Of Mimicry

F.S.Blumm: Klei
Album: Up Up And Astray

Felix Kubin: Speed
Album: Zemsta Plutona
Gagarin Records

Irmin Schmidt: Dangerous
Album: Villa Wunderbar

Sons Of Kemet: Beware
Album: Burn

Sergio Sorrentino, Machinefabriek: Transformazione
Album: Vignettes

Airchamber 3: Funeral March For A Braincell
Album: Peripheral

Airchamber 3: Tunnel Vision
Album: Peripheral

Staer: Daughters II
Album: Daughters
Horse Arm

The Stranger: Spiral of Decline
Album: Watching Dead Empires in Decay
Modern Love LOVE088 LC:

Emptyset: Disperse
Album: Recur

KK Null + The Noiser: Untitled
Album: KK Null + The Noiser
Monotype mono

Tim Hecker: Live Room
Album: Virgins

Burkhard Stangl: Unfinished - Ending
Album: Unfinished. For William Turner, Painter.

Hakon Stene: Black Horizon
Album: Etude Begone Badum

Charles-Eric Charrier: C 6 GIG
Album: C 6 GIG
Monotype mono

Legendary Pink Dots: The Curse of Marie Antoinette
Album: The Curse of Marie Antoinette
Rustblade ‎

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