radiohörer - der blog für radiofans
Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014
Playlist: Africa Calling
Mulatu Astatke: Azmari
Album: Sketches of Ethiopia
JV570015 / Jazz Village

Tirudel Zenebe: Gue
Album: The Rough Guide to the Music of Ethiopia
RGNET 1286CD / World Music Network

Hailu Mergia: Sewnetuwa
Album: Haile Mergia & His Classical Instrument
ATFA006 / Awesome Tapes from Africa

Dur-Dur Band: Dholey
Album: Du-Dur
ATFA004 / Awesome Tapes from Africa

Lobi Traoré: Bamaku N'tichi
Album: Bamako Nights
GBCD 003 / Glitterbeat

Jeri-Jeri: Bamba
Album: Mark Ernestus Presents Jeri-Jeri
Promo / Glitterbeat

Orchestra Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou: Ne rien voir, dire, entendre
Album: The Skeletal Essences of Afro Funk
AALP 073 / Analog Africa

Urbano de Castro: Merengue Joaquina
Album: Rebita
AADE 04 / Analog Africa

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