radiohörer - der blog für radiofans
Samstag, 7. September 2013
Playlist: Welt im Klangrausch
Ride Into The Sun: Hero
Album: Ride Into The Sun
Pilot Records

Ride Into The Sun: Hunt Like Wolves
Album: Ride Into The Sun
Pilot Records

Destruction Unit: The Church of Jesus Christ
Album: Deep Trip
Sacred Bones Records

Pop. 1280: Nailhouse
Album: Imps of Perversion
Sacred Bones Records

Pop. 1280: Human Probe
Album: Imps of Perversion
Sacred Bones Records

Grant Hart: I Am Death
Album: The Argument

Ben Frost: After Death, Nothing Is
Album: FAR
Bedroom Community

Mika Vainio: Load
Album: Kilo
Blast First Petite

Mika Vainio & Joachim Nordwall: Alloy Ceremony
Album: Monstrance

Guido Möbius: More Evil Ways
Album: Though The Darkness Gathers
Karaoke Kalk

Barbez: Mizmor Leasaf
Album: Bella Ciao

Marina Rosenfeld: New York / It's all about
Album: P.A. / Hard Love

Marina Rosenfeld: I LAunch an Attack...
Album: P.A. / Hard Love

Huntsville: The Flow of Sand
Album: Past Increasing Future Receding

R. Stevie Moore: Pretend for a Second that you are very Intelligent
Album: Personal Appeal
Care in the Community Records

Hoofus: Disorder
Album: Several Wolves
Exotic Pylon Records

Meridian Brothers: Coplas Para Cantar Al Atardecer
Album: Dévocion (Works 2005 - 2011)

Ry Cooder & Corridos Famosos: Vigilante Man
Album: At The Great American Music Hall Live

Steve Hauschildt: Ampersands
Album: S/H
Editions Mego

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