radiohörer - der blog für radiofans
Samstag, 8. Februar 2014
Playlist: Der Kult der Langsamkeit
Les Claypool's Duo de Twang: Red State Girl
Album: Four Foot Shack

Carla Bozulich: Don't Follow Me
Album: Boy

Aram Bajakian: The Kids Don't Want to Sleep
Album: There Were Flowers Also in Hell
Sanasar Records

Aram Bajakian: Labor On 57th
Album: There Were Flowers Also in Hell
Sanasar Records

Johnny La Marama: Il Purgatorio
Album: Il Purgatorio

Family Fodder: Symbols
Album: Monkey Banana Kitchen

Family Fodder: Monkey
Album: Monkey Banana Kitchen

Xiu Xiu: Botanica de Los Angeles
Album: Angel Guts: Red Classroom

Xiu Xiu: A Knife in the Sun
Album: Angel Guts: Red Classroom

Hati: Last Breath Of Ra
Album: Wild Temple
Monotype mono

Bohren & Der Club of Gore: Fahr zur Hölle
Album: Piano Nights
PIAS Recordings ‎

Bohren & Der Club of Gore: Unrasiert
Album: Piano Nights
PIAS Recordings ‎

Sunn O))) & Ulver: Eternal Return
Album: Terrestrials
Southern Lord

For Living Lovers: Lotus Blossom
Album: Revealing Essence
Sunnyside Communications

Arturas Bumšteinas, Works & Days Ensemble: David
Album: Meubles

Felix Kubin mit Mitch & Mitch: Creeper
Album: Bakterien & Batterien
Gagarin Records

Hobocombo: Utsu
Album: Moondog Mask

Andrew Lewis: Scherzo
Album: Au-Delà
empreintes DIGITALes

Michael Thieke Unununium: And Smile
Album: Nachtlieder

Raz Ohara: Little People
Album: Moksha
Album Label

Jóhann Jóhannsson: Surveillance Video
Album: Prisoners
NTOV Records

Ø: Metsän sydän
Album: Konstellaatio
Sähkö Recordings

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