radiohörer - der blog für radiofans
Dienstag, 1. April 2014
Playlist: Motown after dark
Craig Huckaby: The Answer
Album: In the Dark – Detroit is Back
Still Music

Moodymann: Hold it Down
Album: Moodymann

Andrés: Drama Around the Corner
Album: (EP)
La Vida

Electric Street Orchestra: The Natives
Album: (EP)
Dirt Tech

Clear Soul Forces: Won Too
Album: Clear Soul Collection

Reavis Mitchell: 4 Ari
Album: (EP)
Distorted Soul

Underground Resistance: Piano After Dark
Album: (EP)

Moodymann: U Look Like Icecream N the Summertime
Album: Moodymann

Rick Wade: I Can Feel it
Album: (EP)
Harmonie Park

Terrence Parker: Finally (Baby Be Mine)
Album: Life on the Back 9
Planet E

Marvin Gaye: What's Going On
Album: What's Going On

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